Setup WordPress Autoinstall
Maybe you offer a WordPress hosting package and would like to have WordPress automatically install on Client Accounts? This method is how you would do it using Clientexec and Softaculous. First you need to create some Custom Fields. To do this navigate to Settings Products Custom Fields, then click the Add Custom Field button and in the Popup enter the name for the Custom Field (it can be called Script, System, Auto Install, whatever you want). (https://storage.crisp.Some readersWhat Languages Does Clientexec Currently Include?
Clientexec includes support for many different languages. Here is the current list of included languages: Farsi Spanish French Spanish (Mexico) Dutch English Portuguese Bulgarian German Polish To select the language you wish to use in Clientexec, navigate to Settings Company Localization. To create a new language, follow these instructions.Some readersHow Can an Admin Login as a Client?
If you are looking to login to a Clients account as a Clientexec admin, use the following steps: Go to Accounts Clients. Click on the name of the Client you wish to login as. On the right side you will see a panel open up with Client info. Click on the button that looks like an Eye. You are now viewing the Clients account in Client View mode. ClickSome readersAdding a new translation language
If you need to add new language to the application, you will need to create your own language files. Please create a copy of the English (en) language files: languagecore-en.po Then, rename them accordingly to your new language. If you review the file libraryZendLocaleDataTranslation.php and search your new language on the array $languageTranslation you will find a code for the language, for example: 'Serbian' ='sr' so you need to renameSome readersAdd link to top menu navigation
You can navigate to /templates/default/views/layoutpartials/topmenu.html and around line 84 add the following code; You can customize the link and the text by editing the "index.php" and "Home"Few readersWhat Do I Put For The Status URL?
When setting up your server to work with Clientexec you will see an input option called 'Status URL', though this is not necessary to make Clientexec function, this article will help you understand what to put there. The Stats URL field is to display information from for, you would need to dowFew readersUsing Captcha
A Captcha is a type of challenge-response system designed to differentiate humans from robotic computer programs. To use Captcha in Clientexec first you need to set up your keys. To do this go to Settings Plugins Captcha. You then have three options: CloudFlare Turnstile: you can sign up and get your Site Key and Secret key here. (will be added in Clientexec 6.7.0) hCaptcha: you can sign up and get your Site KeFew readersAdding An Announcement
To create an Announcement for your Clients in Clientexec, follow these steps: Go To Accounts Contact Users Announcements. Click The Add Announcements button. In the Add Announcement box fill out: The Announcement Title. Date (you can change this to display the announcement at a future date). Time (you can change this to display the announcementFew readersHow to import domains from Registrar
The Registrar Domains Importer plugin available in Clientexec helps you to import your domains from the selected registrar. This article will guide you on how to import that data using the importer plugin. Steps : Login to your Clientexec installation, and navigate to Setting Utilities Import Data Registrar Domains All the registrar plugins you have configured under Settings Plugins Registrars will be listed in the Select Registrar drop-downFew readersAuto-Install Scripts Using Softaculous
To have Softaculous auto-install scripts (such as WordPress) for your clients when setting up their hosting packages, you can follow the steps below: Step 1: Create Softaculous Custom Fields: In your Clientexec admin area, navigate to: Settings -Products -Custom Fields Create a Drop Down custom field which will contain the list of scripts you'd like to offer. Add the scripts in the Options that you would like installed, for example None,WordPress,Joomla — You'll want to select 'IncFew readersHow Can I Change The Numbering Of My Invoices?
By default, when you install Clientexec, your invoice numbering will start at 1000. If you want to change this number you have a couple of options. Option 1: If this is a fresh install or you currently have 0 invoices, you can go to Settings Billing General then for the input Invoice Start Number you can enter the number you want to use. Option 2. IFew readersHow To Disable Client Registration
If you are looking to disable the Registration page on your Clientexec, you can do so by following these steps: Go to Settings Products Order Page. For the option Allow Registration select No. (note: This will disable the registration form, however, This does not prevent a user from creating an account while ordering a package. ) Click Update SettinFew readersAdding A Custom User Field
Are you looking to add an Custom Field to your Sign Up form? An example of a new field you might want to use is a How Did You Find Us input. Here is how you can do this: Go to Settings Users Custom Fields. Click the Add Custom Field button. For the name enter How Did You Find Us or whatever you want it to say. Fill out the form options.Few readersUnderstanding Client Groups and User Roles
Client Groups in Clientexec allow you to assign different permissions to your Clients. (For example, Priority Clients can be given access to view your Priority Support Department). To view, edit and create new Client Groups (user roles) navigate to Settings Users Client Groups. Now, lets take a look at the existing Client Groups: Guest - Guest have limiteFew readersChanging Language Translations
We recommend using a free program called "Poedit" to make changes to your translation files, and this article will go through the steps of using it. You can find download it on most operating systems at The first thing you'll need to do is setup your identity on Poedit by going to File - Preferences. You will need to fill in your name and email address in order for it to save properly. ( readersSetting up chat for guests
The first thing you'll need to do is add the code to your website.Few readersHow can I search custom fields?
How to search custom fields in the Clientexec admin area.Few readersTemporarily Disable Login
Do you need to temporarily disable Client login while still allowing Admin access? Maybe for updating, modifying or testing purposes? You can do this by going to Settings Company General Options:Few readersHow to import/export data from Clientexec Format
The Clientexec Format Importer plugin available in Clientexec helps you to import your clients, packages, invoices, tickets and servers from another Clientexec installation. This article will guide you on how to import that data using the importer plugin. Steps : Login to your Clientexec installation, and navigate to Setting Utilities Export Data Clientexec Format Click the "Download" button and it will allow you to download a .csv.gz file. (httFew readersHow to get the DirectAdmin plugin working when ClientExec is not installed on the same server as DirectAdmin?
Be sure that port 2222 is open for egress on the server where Clientexec is installed.Few readersUsing User Status Alias to trigger Notification Rules
User Status Alias is located on Settings Users Status Aliases The User Status Alias is just a way to have a different name for the existing statuses: Pending Active Inactive Canceled Fraud You can, for example, create some User Status Aliases been alias of the Active status. Changing the status of an existing Client to one of the newly created User Status Aliases will not notify your client at all yet. However, you can then use our NotificationFew readersHow Do i Import TLD's from Registrar
To import TLD's into Clientexec from your Registrar, go to Settings Utilities Import Data TLDs and adjust the following:Few readersDashboard Overview
Once you have logged into your Clientexec installation, you are sent to your Dashboard The first thing you will see on the Dashboard is the graphs. The Tickets Review Bar Graph gives you informative statistics regarding ticket activity for the last six months. It also shows a goal response time. The color indicates closed tickets while the color 4da94e (lighFew readersHow To Enable CSF Unblock For Clients
If you have CSF Firewall installed on your cPanel Servers you can allow your Clients the ability to remove IP block on the server's firewall without root or WHM access. To activate: Go to Settings Plugins Snapins. In the dropdown, select CSF Unblock. Select Yes in Enable. For Viewable by all customers you have the option of allowFew readersAllow Clients To View Server Info
If you want your clients to be able to view server information you can enable this option in the admin area. To enable: Go to Settings Plugins Snapins. In the dropdown, select Server Info. Select Yes on Enabled. You have the option to allow all Clients to view this or you can edit which Client Group will be allowed to access. Once enabled this will add a new menu option to the Client area that will allow clients to view the Server info. (https://storage.criFew readersView A Client's Affiliate Earnings
To view the amount of Affiliate Commissions that your Clients have pending you check their profiles at Accounts Clients All Clients and then select the Client Account you want to review. Then select the Affiliates tab. Here you can view your clienFew readersWhere To Change The System Time?
To change the system time in Clientexec, navigate to Settings Company Localization. In the System Timezone dropdown you can select the timezone your business operates in.Few readersHow to move/merge a package to a different user
If you are using Clientexec 5.9.0 or higher, it now has the ability to merge packages using a multi-select dropdown in the merge section to select the packages you want to move to the other account. Go to the client profile that has the package. Go to his/her Packages tab and take note of the id of the package youFew readersAlert Messages Are Hidden Under Header
Sometimes your header may be larger then default (especially if you are using a large logo) and you may find that Alert messages get hidden under the header. A quick way to fix this is: Go to Settings Company Customize HTML. 2 In the Header box add the following code: Click Update Settings. Your Alert messages should now appear over the header.Few readersHow to import/export clients data from a CSV file
The Customer Data CSV Importer plugin available in Clientexec helps you to import your clients data from a .csv file. This article will guide you on how to import that data using the importer plugin. Steps : Login to your Clientexec installation, and navigate to Setting Utilities Export Data Customer Data CSV Select which fields you wish to export Click the "Download" button and it will allow you to download a .csv file (https://storage.crispFew readersHow To Set The Number Of Announcements on Main Page
Are you looking to increase or decrease the number of announcements that are shown on the main page of Clientexec? To do this, go to Settings Company General and scroll down to Number of Announcements To Show On Main Page, here you can enter how many announcements you want to appear.Few readersUsing the Admin Sidebar
When you first login to Clientexec, you will notice that the sidebar hasn't been configured yet. This configuration is based on each staff member, so make sure each of them knows how to take advantage and best use this feature. Here you can choose which sidebar plugins you want to use. (https://storage.crisFew readersUsing CloudFlare Turnstile
Cloudflare Turnstile is a free tool to replace CAPTCHAs, you can sign up here. To use Cloudflare Turnstile in Clientexec first you need to set up your keys. To do this go to Settings Plugins Captcha. Then fill in the following fields:Few readersCrisp Asset HTML
Add the following HTML to the product description to show assets (Disk Space, Bandwidth, Databases, etc):Few readersDetailed descriptions of some Income Reports and Billing Filters
"Predicted Income Report" Is based on the active recurring fees with next due date on the respective month, and also already generated invoices with due date on the respective month. So it is calculating the amount over the items you have already invoiced, as well as the items that will be invoiced in the future for the respective month. This one is to know how much you will be billing in the respective months. "Monthly Income Report" Is based on the active customers with active packFew readersHow to whitelist server IP address with OpenSRS
Navigate to - go to Manage Your Account Control Panel Login with your account Add IPs for Script/API Access and then add in a new rule, containing your server IP address.Few readersVirtualmin Overview
The Virtualmin server plugin allows Clientexec to automate the management of accounts within the Virtualmin Control Panel software. Virtualmin support is included as of Clientexec 4.2. Supported Functions Create/Delete Virtual Server accounts 1 Suspend/Unsuspend Virtual Server accounts 2 Change username 3 Change password Change domain name Change account package Change IP Address Assign Private IP Address 4 (Items denoted with see known issues)Few readersAuto Delete Pending Clients/Users
This will automatically delete pending users after a set amount of days after creating their account but not confirming/approving it. It can also delete Cancelled and Fraud accounts as well. This helps to keep inactive Clients from accumulating in your Clientexec. First ensure you set up the cron job on your cPanel, Directadmin or other panel. You can find those details here. Next, go to Settings Plugins Automation Services andFew readersWhere Can I Enter My Terms & Conditions?
To list your Terms & Conditions on Clientexec, you have two options: Option One - Link To A Remote Page: To link to a remote page go to Settings Products Order Page then in the Terms and Conditions URL input box enter the url to your TOS page. Options Two - Display In Clientexec: To display your TOS within ClientExec go to Settings Products OFew readersCustomer Sidebar
A helpful feature that is available with Clientexec is the Customer Sidebar. This is not to be confused with the plugins sidebar which is on the left . The customer sidebar is available when you are viewing a customer's profile, ticket, etc., and you click the profile icon at the top right of the screen. Once you hover over the icon, you will see the Customer Sidebar appear. (https://storage.crisp.chatFew readersChange Registrar Logo
If you do not wish for your clients to see the eNom, ResellerClub, OpenSRS, or NetEarthOne logo when they click on the domain name via the client view, you may simply upload a blank or different logo into the registrar folders located at: eNom: clientexecpluginsregistrarsenom ResellerClub: clientexecpluginsregistrarsresellerclub OpenSRS: clientexecpluginsregistrarsopensrs NetEarthOne: clientexecpluginsregistrarsnetearthoneFew readersAdd Clientexec Affiliate Tracking To Website
In Clientexec version 6.6 we introduced a new Affiliate System. If you want to add the tracking links to your website just follow these instructions. (Note: Your Clientexec installation automatically tracks hits). Go to Settings Affiliates Custom Links. Copy and paste the code provided there on all your external website pages you want to include the affiliate tracking on. Example:Few readersHow To View Overdue Invoices
Viewing overdue invoices in Clientexec is simple to do! Go to Reports Income Overdue Invoices. Here you will be able to view a list of all overdue invoices. You can click on the invoice number to view the full invoice. You can also download a .csv file of all the Overdue Invoices.Few readersHow Can Clients Cancel a Package?
If your client asks how they can cancel their Hosting (or other service) package, here are the steps for them to follow: First they would go to Packages My Packages in the Client area. Next to the Package they want to cancel they would click on the Clog icon under the Action table and click Cancel Package. They would then fill out the reason for the CanFew readersView Login Attempts
Are you are looking to audit failed and successful login attempts in your Clientexec admin area to find out if someone is trying to access your backend? To view the list follow these steps: Go to Dashboard Dashboard Event List In the dropdown box select Login Attempts and click Search. You will now have a list of all Successful and Failed Login attempts including the date, time and IP address of the user attempting to login. ( readersReport Chargebacks To MaxMind
Reporting transactions as chargebacks to MaxMind helps them to detect about 10-50% more fraud and reduce false positives for you. If you are using MaxMind and want to report chargebacks made by your Clients to MaxMind follow these steps: Go to Settings Plugins Snapins. In the dropdown select Report Chargebacks To MaxMind. Enable by Selecting Yes. Enter your MaxMind Account ID and MaxMind License Key in the provided inputs. (You can obtain a licenFew readersAdding a profile picture
Adding a profile picture to your Clientexec account.Few readersHow To View Emails Sent From Clientexec
To view a list of all emails sent from your Clientexec, just follow these steps: Go to Accounts View Emails. You will now have a list of all emails sent.Few readersView Coupon Usuage
Want to check how your coupon campaign is doing? Clientexec makes it easy to check out how your coupon codes are being used. Go to Reports Income Coupon Summary. Select if you want to check Normal (non-recurring) or Recurring coupon usage. In the dropdown, select which Coupon Code you want the results on.Few readersClient Social Sharing
Clientexec features a Social Sharing option that allows your Clients to send out a tweet on Twitter when they make a purchase from your account or on Ticket feedback. They can also make a Facebook post when making a purchase. To find these settings go to Settings Company Social Sharing. Options:Few readersChange The Timezone in Your Clientexec
To change the timezone in your Clientexec (that will be shown on orders, tickets and so forth), go to Settings Company Localization and scroll down to System Timezone. Here you can select the Timezone that your business operates in.Few readersCustomer Countries Report
Want to find out what Countries your clients are coming from? This information could be useful when planning future products and services or for knowing where to best spend your Advertising Budget. Clientexec makes this information easy to view. Go to Reports Accounts Customer Countries for a simple list of how many Clients are from each country.Few readersCookies
Clientexec employs cookies to retain session information and save minimal data on the computers or devices of visitors. Clientexec creates the following cookies when you use the client area: Affiliate Cookie: Clientexec sets this cookie when an affiliate refers a customer to your CE. It stores the ID of the client (affiliate) that made the referral so that in the event that the customer places an order within the next 90 days, the affiliate receives credit for it. (Note: You can change tFew readersAdd A Page To Clientexec
This is how to add a new page to Clientexec. In this example, we will add a TOS page. Using ftp or filemanager, go to the directory in your clientexec install called plugins/snapin and there add a new directory called content (so it would be plugins/snapin/content/ ), and in the content directory you will create two new files called: PluginContent.php tos.phtml This is the content for the PluginContent.php file:Few readersHow Can I Change The Numbering of My Support Tickets?
By default, when you install Clientexec, your ticket numbering will start at 1000. If you want to change this number you have a couple of options. Option 1: If this is a fresh install or you currently have 0 tickets, you can go to Settings Support General then for the input Support Ticket Start Number you can enter the number you want to use. OptionFew readersDirect Link To Tickets Departments
If you want to create direct links for clients to submit to preselect the Support Department in their ticket submissions you can do so using a link like this: In this example, that would preselect the Billing Department in the support ticket form. You can change billing to preselect other departments such as GeneralFew readers