Adding A Domain Search To An External Page/Site
Adding Clientexec domain search to an external website.Some readersCreating a Product
In this tutorial, we will create a shared hosting product utilizing cPanel as the plugin. In order to configure a cPanel server, click here. Navigate to Settings Products Products. We will use the Shared Web Hosting category. Click Shared Web Hosting (Hosting). Click Add New Product. Configure these settings:Some readersAdding a Vultr Server and Products
The Vultr control panel makes server management simple and intuitive. With our Vultr integration, you can resell Vultr's VPS products in all 17 locations. This integration is available in Clientexec versions 6.3 and higher. Supported FeaturesSome readersHow do I register domains using the Domain Name API plugin?
To activate and begin using the Domain Name Api registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the Domain Name Api dropdown option. Insert your Domain Name Api Username, Password and Nameservers (used for standalone domains).Some readersDomain Configuration
A pivotal feature of Clientexec is the ability to sell, transfer, and allowing the client to point their nameservers to your company's server. Before you do anything, it is a good idea to go ahead and configure the domain registrar plugins conveniently located under Settings Plugin Registrars. You will see over ten types of registrars you can currently choose from. Here are a articles on how to configure your registrar plugin: eNom (/en/article/how-do-i-register-domains-usSome readersHow do I register domains using the ResellerClub plugin?
To activate and begin using the ResellerClub registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the ResellerClub dropdown option. Insert your ResellerClub Reseller ID, Password and API Key.Some readersAutomating Order Provisoning
Automating your Clientexec orders using CRONSome readersHow do I register domains using the NameSilo plugin?
To activate and begin using the NameSilo registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the NameSilo dropdown option. Insert your NameSilo API Key. Select if you want newly registered or transferred Domains to be Auto Renewed.Some readersAuto Domain Updater
The Domain Updater will check all active domains and update the internal expiration date of the domains. This date is used to send expiration notices among other things. First ensure you set up the cron job on your cPanel, Directadmin or other panel. You can find those details here. Next, go to Settings Plugins Automation Services and in the dropdown select Domain Updater. ( readersHow do I register domains using the Synergy Wholesale plugin?
To activate and begin using the Synergy Wholesale registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the Synergy Wholesale dropdown option. Insert your Synergy Wholesale Reseller ID and API Key.Few readersFree Domains
You are now able to offer free domains with select products when purchased with select payment terms, for example when purchasing web hosting for a year. All you need to do is: Create a product group of type Domains. Under that domain product group, create a Domain product and configure their pricing. ( readersHow do I register domains using the Netim plugin?
To activate and begin using the Netim registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the Netim dropdown option. Insert your Netim Login (User ID), Password and DNS settings.Few readersHow do I register domains using the Dreamscape plugin?
To activate and begin using the Dreamscape registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the Dreamscape dropdown option. Insert your Dreamscape Reseller ID and API Key.Few readersDoes Clientexec Support Multi-Currency?
Clientexec versions from 6.7.0 support multi-currency, please see here. Clientexec versions earlier the 6.7.0 do not support multi-currency or exchange rates.Few readersHow do I register domains using the Namecheap plugin?
To activate and begin using the Namecheap registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the Namecheap dropdown option. Insert your Namecheap Username and API. ( readersAddons and how to configure them
Configuring Addons in Clientexec.Few readersHow do I add custom fields into the signup?
Adding custom fields in Clientexec.Few readersManually Adding a Package to an Account.
Add a package manually to a Clientexec account.Few readersHow do I register domains using the OpenSRS plugin?
To activate and begin using the OpenSRS registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the OpenSRS dropdown option. Insert your OpenSRS Username and Private Key. You can generate your Private Key value at Generate New Private Key in the OpenSRS Reseller Web Interface. In the OpenSRS Reseller Web Interface, go to Add IPs for Script/API AccFew readersHow do I register domains using the eNom plugin?
Once that has been taken care of: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars Choose the eNom dropdown option. Insert your eNom LogFew readersHow do I register domains using the Realtime Register plugin?
To activate and begin using the Realtime Register registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the Realtime Register dropdown option. Insert your Realtime Register Dealer Username, Password, Contact Handle, NS Settings and Phone Handle. ( readersHow do i use the Crisp orderform?
Using the Crisp orderform in Clientexec.Few readersHow do I register domains using the plugin?
To activate and begin using the registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the dropdown option. Insert your API Key and Password.Few readersHow do I register domains using the NetEarthOne plugin?
To activate and begin using the NetEarthOne registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the NetEarth One dropdown option. Insert your NetEarth One Reseller ID, Password and API Key. (https://storage.cFew readersHow to add ID Protection as a domain addon
Domain ID Protection is available for eNom, OpenSRS, ResellerClub, NetEarth One, and ResellBiz. To bundle Domain ID Protection with your domain products, you will need to setup an Addon by going to Settings Products Addons and select to create a new Addon. You will want to place this in your domain product group, and you can assign it the name & description of your choice. Next, under the Advanced Settings tab you'll need to choose the Plugin Variable called ID Protection.Few readersSetting a server to not accept new accounts
Setting a server to not accept new accounts in Clientexec.Few readersHow do I register domains using the Name.Com plugin?
To activate and begin using the Name.Com registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the Name.Com dropdown option. Insert your Name.Com Username and API Token.Few readersHow do I register domains using the ResellBiz plugin?
To activate and begin using the ResellBiz registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the ResellBiz dropdown option. Insert your ResellBiz Reseller ID, Password and API Key. ( readersHow do I register domains using the OnlineNIC plugin?
To activate and begin using the OnlineNIC registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the OnlineNIC dropdown option. Insert your OnlineNIC Username and Private Key.Few readersHow do I use the Modern orderform?
Using the Modern orderform in Clientexec.Few readersHow do I register domains using the Joker.Com plugin?
To activate and begin using the Joker.Com registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the Joker.Com dropdown option. Insert your Joker.Com API Key.Few readersBundle Domain Services with Hosting
If you wish to sell more than just a hosting account, you may also choose to sell domains with your hosting plans. This is done simply by navigating to Settings Products Products. If you have not already created a hosting package, you may do so by following these instructions. You will need to configure your domain services by following these instructions. On the first page of the hosting pacFew readersAdvanced & Plugin Settings Tab not Showing
Advanced & Plugin settings tab not showing on Products.Few readersHow do I register domains using the Openprovider plugin?
To activate and begin using the Openprovider registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the Openprovider dropdown option. Insert your Openprovider Username and Password.Few readersHow do I register domains using the Nominet plugin?
To activate and begin using the Nominet registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the Nominet dropdown option. Insert your Nominet Username and Password. You can also enter Default Nameservers for the domains if they are nFew readersPackage Upgrades / Downgrades
The package upgrades feature will allow your clients to order a package upgrade or downgrade within the client area based on your selected upgrade/downgrade paths. This feature is available in Clientexec versions 6.3 and higher. The Basics & Default Behavior By default, when a customer initiates an upgrade or downgrade order, they would receive a prorated credit for their current plan, which would apply to their order. For example, if a customer purchases a $10 plan today and decides to uFew readersHow do I get an eNom Reseller account
Clientexec has partnered with eNom to provide you with a commitment-free eNom domain reseller account. Why get an eNom account through Clientexec? We have negotiated a special rate with eNom exclusive to Clientexec users. Will I have a direct eNom account login? Yes! Our free eNom reseller accounts comes standard with your very own login directly on the website. Using your own eNom account you will be able to directly manage all of your purchased products from domain names,Few readersSelling GoGet SSL Certificates
Clientexec comes included with the Plugin that lets you resell GoGet SSL Certificates to your Clients. To get started go to Settings Plugins SSL, then in the dropdown select GoGetSSL and fill out the information.Few readersSelling ServerTastic SSL Certificates
Clientexec comes included with the Plugin that lets you resell ServerTastic SSL Certificates to your Clients. To get started go to Settings Plugins SSL, then in the dropdown select ServerTastic and fill out the information. Then fill out the Tech inFew readersHow to allow your domain TLD for registration
Allowing TLD registration options in Clientexec.Few readersSelling eNom SSL Certificates
Clientexec comes included with the Plugin that lets you resell eNom SSL Certificates to your Clients. To get started go to Settings Plugins SSL, then in the dropdown select eNomSSL and fill out the information.Few readersAdding a Server Location Selector
In Clientexec you can now add a Server Location Selector to your products. To get started, create a Location Custom Field Name, to do this go to your Clientexec Admin, Settings Products Custom Fields Click on the Add Custom Field Button. Enter a name for the new custom field such as Server LocatFew readersUpdating Existing Domain To New Registrar
In the event that you wish to move one of your clients domains to a new registrar, these instructions will help you with that. First run this query, to find the ID of the customField (you can run the query at Settings Utilities SQL Tool.)Few readersHow do I register domains using the Connect Reseller plugin?
To activate and begin using the Connect Reseller registrar module in Clientexec: Go into your ClientExec installation. Navigate to Settings Plugins Registrars. Choose the Connect Reseller dropdown option. Insert your Connect Reseller API Key and Coupon Code.Few readersWhitelist Your IP For Enom Live Environment
In order to set up enom to work with Clientexec you will need to whitelist your Clientexec server IP with enom. To find your server IP in your Clientexec admin area you can go to Settings Plugins Registrars and at the top of the page under the title you will see the IP. Add IP To Enom: Log in to your account. Select the Resellers drop-down menu.Few readers