Articles on: Tips & Tricks

How to import/export clients data from a CSV file

The Customer Data CSV Importer plugin available in Clientexec helps you to import your clients data from a .csv file.

This article will guide you on how to import that data using the importer plugin.

Steps :

Login to your Clientexec installation, and navigate to Setting > Utilities > Export Data > Customer Data CSV
Select which fields you wish to export
Click the "**Download**" button and it will allow you to download a .csv file

To upload that file, navigate to Setting > Utilities > Import Data > Customer Data CSV
You can now select the .csv file that was downloaded, follow the onscreen instructions to configure how the data will be imported, and then click Import

You are all set! This will import/export all the clients data from a** .csv** file.

Updated on: 25/02/2023

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