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Auto-Install Scripts Using Softaculous

To have Softaculous auto-install scripts (such as WordPress) for your clients when setting up their hosting packages, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Create Softaculous Custom Fields:

In your Clientexec admin area, navigate to: Settings -> Products -> Custom Fields
Create a Drop Down custom field which will contain the list of scripts you'd like to offer. Add the scripts in the Options that you would like installed, for example None,WordPress,Joomla — You'll want to select 'Include in Signup' & ensure 'All Product Groups' is deselected (add None at the start of the dropdown list for clients that do not want to auto install a script)
Create a Text custom field for the admin username (For example: Admin Username)
Create a Text custom field for the admin password (For example: Admin Password)
Note down the custom field names you have created above which will be used in Step 3

Step 2: Enable the fields from step 1 in the relevant product groups

In your Clientexec admin area, navigate to: Settings -> Products -> Products
Click on the name of the product group you'd like to have the automatic installer on and then click Edit Group
Select all of the custom fields you created in the above step (Note: You can leave out the username & password field and if they are blank, an automatic username & password will be generated)
Once ready, click Submit.

Step 3: Enable the Softaculous auto-installer

The final step is to run the automatic installer. In your Clientexec admin area, navigate to: Settings -> Plugins -> Snapping
From the drop down menu, select 'Softaculous Auto Installer'
For the Script Custom Field Name, Username Custom Field Name, and Password Custom Field Name - Enter the name of the fields you just created
When ready, click Update Settings

Adding Custom Fields to Email

You can add the admin name and password to your Clients welcome email by using the custom package tag.


Where xxxx is the custom package field name, ie: [CUSTOMPACKAGE_somename]

Updated on: 25/03/2024

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