Setting Up the Square Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Square Payment plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Square Payment in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Square Payment, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Square Payment during the signup and paymPopularWhat is a passphrase?
Clientexec tries very hard to secure your customer's information and reduce the risk of compromising that information. Credit card information is encrypted within Clientexec once a customer enters their credit card information. Clientexec requires that you further encrypt this credit card information by adding a string word, called a passphrase, that is not stored anywhere on the server of database. Each time a customer enters their credit card number, you must "validate" the number using a paPopularCustomizing or adding a PDF invoice
Since Clientexec version 5.1 you can customize the PDF invoices as described bellow. By default, we are including 3 templates: /plugins/invoices/default /plugins/invoices/dickey /plugins/invoices/harouth Each template hSome readersPayment Processors
Clientexec offers almost thirty Payment Processors for you and your clients to utilize. The full list and their configuration options can be obtained by navigating to Settings Plugins Payment Processors This documentation will cover a few of our most popularly used Payment Processors, and it will provide you with tutorials. Paypal Allows refunds Allows subscriptions Accepts credit cards Article(s): Configure PayPal (/en/article/how-do-i-configure-paypalSome readersBilling Cycles
Clientexec 6.2.0 introduces a new Billing Cycles section, which allows the admins to configure custom billing cycles to be used throughout the application. Manage billing cycles permission In order for an admin to be able to use this new section, it requires to be either a Super Admin or having enabled the new admin permission Manage billing cycles . To configure the permission: go to Settings Users Staff Management click on a Staff Role namSome readersHow do I enable PayPal refunds?
In order to enable Paypal refunds, first you will need to enable the PayPal selling tools API. Login to PayPal classic view: Go to Profile - My Selling Tools and under API Tools, click Update. PayPal new view: Go to Tools - API Access - Go to API Access You will then be asked to choose an option, you will want to choose Option 2 that applies to "Pre-inFew readersSetting Up the 2Checkout Payment Plugin
The 2CheckOut payment gateway allows you to receive one-time payments, issue refunds, and other features. In order to configure your 2Checkout plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click 2Checkout in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing 2Checkout, it is recommended to mark Yes nFew readersSetting Up the Coinbase Commerce Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Coinbase Commerce plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Coinbase Commerce in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Coinbase Commerce, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Coinbase during the signuFew readersOffline Payment Methods Configuration - Bank Transfer, Check and Money Order
In order to configure Offline Payment , navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. The following are offline payment options you can use: Bank Transfer, Check, and Money Order. Note: These plugins are not a real processor, but a placeholder for specifying customer billing types used for offline processing.Few readersHow to use Paypal Subscriptions
In order to allow the creation of Paypal Subscriptions in Clientexec, please do the following: To allow new clients to place an order from signup and use Paypal Subscriptions, go to Settings Plugins Payment Processors Paypal and modify the following: In Signup: Yes Paypal Subscriptions Option In Signup: Use Subscriptions Additionally, to allow manually created clientsFew readersInvoices
Clientexec has a rich invoice system with many features you may not have known about. You may have configured your products to automatically take care of your invoicing for you, but the invoicing system also has complete manual control which allows you for complete freedom in means of what you can invoice to your clients besides your offered products . The Invoicing system has a plethora of features: Merge on next recurring invoice & merge into another invoice Late Fees (https://www.clieFew readersUsing Multiple Currencies
Clientexec now allows you to sell your products using multiple currencies. Currently you need to set the different prices for each currency manually. Select Your Currencies To select the currencies you will be using on your Clientexec, go to Settings Billing Currencies If there are currently currencies on the list that you are nFew readersSetting Up the shurjoPay Payment Plugin
In order to configure your shurjoPay plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click shurjoPay in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing shurjoPay, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with shurjoPay during the signup and payment process. ( readersSetting Up the Stripe Checkout Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Stripe Checkout plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Stripe Checkout in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Stripe Checkout, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Stripe Checkout during the signuFew readersSetting Up the Braintree Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Braintree plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Braintree in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Braintree, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Braintree during the signup and payment proFew readersSetting Up the Paypal Payment Plugin
In order to configure your PayPal plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click PayPal in the drop-down. Supported Features: There are various settings to configure, as you can see, and each has a description. If you are utilizing PayPal, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that youFew readersHow to configure addon prices
Addons configuration have changed a bit. When configuring an addon, please take in mind: If the addon option will just charge a price one time, set it in setup even if price is 0.00 (if the addon option will be free, like None option). Do not place any other prices in the billing cycles and do not mark any billing cycle as Force . If you want the customer to see the addon option in every invoice even if free (Price 0.00) then add the price in the respective billing cycle ofFew readersWhy Pay Invoice button isn't showing on an unpaid invoice
If you have a client's account set to "Subscription", you will notice that invoices will not have a "Pay Now" button. This is done to ensure that double payment does not occur. Each subscription invoice will feature a unique Subscription ID.Few readersChange font used on the PDF invoice
In some cases, the characters used in your customers information are not supported by the font selected to be used for the PDF invoices, so you will end with characters that looks like "?" If you have this issue, or just want to try a different font, then follow these steps. For Clientexec 5.0: Open the file modulesbillingmodelsPDFInvoice.php The font dejavusans can allow to use some of the special characters. If you want to use it, then: go to line 80 aFew readersSetting Up the Stripe Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Stripe plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Stripe in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Stripe, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Stripe during the signup and payment process. ( readersSetting Up the PSiGate Payment Plugin
In order to configure your PSiGate plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click PSiGate in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing PSiGate, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with PSiGate during the signup and payment process. (https://Few readersAutomatically Applying Coupon Code To Purchase
Maybe you are offering a promotion on a specific product on your website and you are looking for an easy way to apply a promotional discount without your client having to remember to enter a coupon code? Well Clientexec can help you do this! Set up the Coupon code that you want to use following the steps listed here. Next, navigate to Settings Products Products. Select the Product you want to AutomFew readersAutomatically Notify Clients of Expiring Credit Cards
This option, when enabled, will notify customers if their credit cards are expiring. When run it will E-mail customers with a credit card expiring that month and generate a ticket for credit cards expired in the previous month. To Enable: First ensure you set up the cron job on your cPanel, Directadmin or other panel. You can find those details here. Next, go to Settings >Few readersSetting Up the Payment Plugin
In order to configure your plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Authorize.Net during the signup and payFew readersAdding Direct PayPal Payment Link in Email Invoice
If you want to add a PayPal link to invoice, please follow these steps: Navigate to Settings Company Email Templates On the right, click Billing Emails , and then click Invoice Template. Add DIRECTPAYMENTLINK to your invoice. You may choose to do it like this:Few readersUsing and Applying Coupons in Clientexec
Coupons are a great way of convincing potential customers to try your product. Traditionally, they've often been used as a self-selecting mechanism allowing you the luxury of modifying the price only for those who need it. Chances are that someone who doesn't require the discount will not go searching for a coupon code – whereas a price sensitive individual might do just that. Properly executed, coupons are a valuable tool in the arsenal of any marketing manager. What's more, they can be inventoFew readersFailed Invoices
Failed Invoices can be found under Billing Invoice List Failed Invoices. This list will display the current auto-payment invoices that are unable to be charged by the admin, and will also display what is the cause so that the admin can know how to proceed. In order to view the Failed Reason of each item, please enable the respective column by clicking on the gear icon located at the top-right corner of the grid and marking the Failed Reason option, as displayed on the followingFew readersSetting Up the PayTR Payment Plugin
In order to configure your PayTR plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click PayTR in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing PayTR, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with PayTR during the signup and payment process. (https://storage.crFew readersRecalculate Next Due Dates Related To Packages
This setting can be found under Settings Billing General Billing Recalculate Next Due Dates Related To Packages Keep in mind that a package can have many recurring fees related to it, such as: Recurring fee of the package Recurring fees of addons related to the package Recurring fee of a coupon related to the package Recurring fees of manually created recurring fees that were set to apply to the package When enabling this setting, and if an overdue invoice changes itsFew readersHow To Attach PDF When Mailing Invoices
If you want to ensure that PDF invoices as sent an attachment when sending invoice emails you need to go to Settings Billing General. Scroll down to Attach PDF When Mailing Invoice. Select YES. The click Update Settings.Few readersHow do I add taxes?
If you wish to setup Taxes, go to: Settings Billing Taxes Add Tax Add/Edit Tax Rule Name: Insert Tax name, such as "Sales Tax". Country: Select which Country this tax will apply to. If every Country should receive the tax rule, select All (Make default). Division: Which State or area should this apply to. If the entire Division/State/Area should receive the taxFew readersWhy are there 2 levels of tax?
There are really 2 Taxes that can be applied to the same Country and State. So, you can set a Tax in level 1, and another one in level 2. COMPOUND TAX You can also make your Tax level 2 to be compound. This means the Tax will be calculated over the first Tax also. For example, You can have a Tax level 1 of 10%, and a Tax level 2 compound of 20%. So, if the taxes applies to your customer and need to pay lets say $100, then the Tax level 1 value will be $10 (10% calculated over the $100 origiFew readersSetting Up the Quantum Gateway Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Quantum Gateway plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Quantum Gateway in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Quantum Gateway, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Quantum Gateway during the siFew readersSetting Up the Mollie Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Mollie plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Mollie in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Mollie, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Mollie during the signup and payment process. (https://storaFew readersLinkPoint Configuration
In order to configure LinkPoint (YourPay), navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Store - Enter the name of your LinkPoint store. Host - Verify that your host is Port - The LinkPoint port should be 1129. Cert - Your LinkPoint .pem certificate file can be downloaded by logging into your LinkPoint account as an administrator. Click the Support tab, then choose Download Center. Click Download Now under Store CERT Files. Be sure toFew readersSetting Up the Quantum Vault Gateway Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Quantum Vault Gateway plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Quantum Vault Gateway in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Quantum Vault Gateway, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Quantum VauFew readersSetting Up the CoinPayments Payment Plugin
In order to configure your CoinPayments plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click CoinPayments in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing CoinPayments, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can payFew readersShow transactions on an invoice
Showing transactions on your invoice can provide some additional information that your clients will want to see, including a breakdown of payment if credit is applied to an invoice. To enable transactions on the invoice email you need to navigate to Settings - Company - Email Templates and select Billing Emails from the drop down and edit Payment Receipt Template and add the tag PMTTRANSACTIONS To add transaction records in the PDF file you need to navigate to pluginsinvoices yourinvoicesFew readersCharging Late Fees
Charging late fee's can be configured in your Clientexec installation by navigating to Settings Plugins Automation Services and configuring the Late Fee service. Default late fee charge: You can choose to apply a standard late fee to all products that do not have a late fee defined. You can also leave this blank, and only apply late fees to certain product. Day to charge late fee: This will charge a late fee X days after the invoice is due. You will need to enter aFew readersSetting Up the Paypal Pro Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Paypal Pro plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Paypal Pro in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Paypal Pro, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Paypal Pro during the signup and payment process.Few readersSetting Up the Onebip Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Onebip plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Onebip in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Onebip, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Onebip during the signup and payment process. (https://storageFew readersCreate a Custom Currency
In order to add a currency, you can go to Settings Billing Currencies Add Currency. You will notice that the customization is limited to the currency's name and a code. This tutorial will allow you to have more customization in creating your currency. Please backup your database before continuing. Navigate to PHPMyAdmin. Please select your database on the left. Please note that your database name will be differentFew readersAutomatically Cancel PayPal Subscription
Clientexec can now automatically cancel PayPal Subscriptions when a client requests cancellation of their package. A staff member can also cancel a related PayPal Subscription from the invoice and recurring fee lists, or when canceling or deleting a package. If you started using PayPal Subscriptions after 2009, all you'lFew readersSetting Up the Pesapal Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Pesapal plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Pesapal in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Pesapal, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Pesapal during the signup and payment process. (https://sFew readersInvoice Entry Date Range Format
Some times, you change your date format in: Settings Company Localization Date Format : Select the date format you want sitewide. However, you notice the format is not applied to your invoice entries. This is not an issue. This is just managed in a different setting that gives you more freedom to configure the Invoice Entry Date Range Format. You can find it in Settings Billing General Invoice Entry Date Range Format Invoice Entry Date Range Format Define the datFew readersCreating a discount recurring fee
Discount fixed amount You can manually add a new recurring fee, and set a negative amount. For example -5.00 will discount $5.00 You can do this, when you are on the customer's profile, then click on "Recurring" tab, then click on "Add Charge" button, set "Price:" with a negative value, check the check-box for "Is this a recurring payment?", and select a value for the "Select a Billing Cycle:" making sure to match with the billing cycle of the other recurring fee you want to get the discouFew readersSetting Up the CIM Payment Plugin
The Customer Information Manager (CIM) system allows you to store customers' sensitive payment information on's secure servers, simplifying your compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). In order to configure your CIM plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click CIM in the drop-down. If you are utilizing 2Checkout, it is recommendedFew readersSetting Up the ChronoPay Payment Plugin
In order to configure your ChronoPay plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click ChronoPay in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing ChronoPay, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with ChronoPay during the signup and payment process. (Few readersSetting Up the Razorpay Payment Plugin
In order to configure your Razorpay plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click Razorpay in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing Razorpay, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with Razorpay during the signup and payment process. (https:/Few readersSetting Up the eProcessingNetwork Payment Plugin
In order to configure your eProcessingNetwork plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click eProcessingNetwork in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing eProcessingNetwork, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with eProcessingNetwoFew readersAuto Process Client Credit Cards
When enabled, this will process your clients credit cards for invoices that are due or past-due. This will only process your clients whose credit card are stored outside of Clientexec. Supported Plugins: Authorize.Net CIM Braintree Quantum Vault Gateway Stripe Stripe Checkout Square Payment Enable: First ensure you set up the cron job on your cPanel, Directadmin or other panel. You can find those details here. Next, go toFew readersSetting Up the BluePay Payment Plugin
In order to configure your BluePay plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click BluePay in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing BluePay, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with BluePay during the signup and payment process. (https://Few readersSetting Up the First Data / LinkPoint Payment Plugin
In order to configure your First Data/LinkPoint plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click LinkPoint in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing First Data/LinkPoint, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with LinkPoint during the signup aFew readersApply Credit Balance Automatically
Clientexec 6.6.1 adds the ability to automatically apply any Client Credit Balance to outstanding invoices. To enable: Go to Settings Billing General. Scroll down to Apply Credit Balance Automatically at the bottom. Select Yes Click Update Settings.Few readersSetting Up the CCAvenue Payment Plugin
In order to configure your CCAvenue plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click CCAvenue in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing CCAvenue, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with CCAvenue during the signup and payment process. (httpsFew readersDeleting a Pending Package
When deleting a pending package, Clientexec will void every unpaid invoice with an invoice entry that applies to the package that has been deleted. Clientexec will then create a new invoice for any invoice entries that should still remain valid. For example, a new client place an order with tree packages: There is also an invoice for this order: ( readersSetting Up the PayStack Payment Plugin
In order to configure your PayStack plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click PayStack in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing PayStack, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with PayStack during the signup and payment process. (https://Few readersNot Forwarding to Payment Gateway
At checkout, you are not being forwarded to your payment gateway, please verify that this setting is selected to Yes. Settings Products Order Page Select Yes.Few readersSetting Up the PayFast Payment Plugin
In order to configure your PayFast plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click PayFast in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing PayFast, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with PayFast during the signup and payment process. (https:/Few readersSetting Up the eWay Payment Plugin
In order to configure your eWay plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click eWay in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing eWay, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with eWay during the signup and payment process. (https://storage.crisFew readersSetting Up the BitPay Payment Plugin
In order to configure your BitPay plugin, navigate to Settings Plugins Payment Processors. Click BitPay in the drop-down. Supported Features: If you are utilizing BitPay, it is recommended to mark Yes next to In Signup so that your clients can pay with BitPay during the signup and payment process. ( readersHow to Set a Recurring Fee to Create a New Paypal Subscription When Previous Subscription Cancelled
When a Paypal Subscription is canceled, the recurring fees related to that subscription are set to not create more Paypal Subscriptions anymore, to avoid making another Paypal Subscription repeatedly when the client does not want that Paypal Subscription. If the client decides they want to start a new paypal subscription after this you will need to do the following: Go to the Clients Profile in the Clientexec Admin area. Select the 'Billing' tab. Then set 'Use Subscription' to 'No'.Few readers