Failed Invoices
Failed Invoices can be found under Billing > Invoice List > Failed Invoices.
This list will display the current auto-payment invoices that are unable to be charged by the admin, and will also display what is the cause so that the admin can know how to proceed.
In order to view the Failed Reason of each item, please enable the respective column by clicking on the gear icon located at the top-right corner of the grid and marking the Failed Reason option, as displayed on the following image:

Currently, these are the possible Failed Reasons, and what to do to fix them:
- Credit Card number is missing: You will need your client to enter a Credit Card Number in that payment method.
- Expiration Year is missing: You will need your client to enter an Expiration Year for the Credit Card Number in that payment method.
- Expiration Month is missing: You will need your client to enter an Expiration Month for the Credit Card Number in that payment method.
- Credit Card is expired: You will need your client to enter a new Credit Card Number or update the Expiration Month and Year in that payment method.
- Contains Pending Cancellation, Cancelled or Expired packages: You will need to review the invoice and decide if you need to reactivate the related packages, or remove their respective invoice entries from the invoice as you most probably should not be charging for those packages anymore.
- Contains packages having "Charge CC Automatically" disabled: This setting can be configured inside the respective package, under its Billing tab. By default, this setting should be enabled, but clients can disable it if they prefer to manually pay the invoices for that package themselves. When this setting is disabled, it will allow you to generate the invoices without charging the Credit Card for this customer's package only.
- Contains failed transactions after the latest update of the payment method: This means that something is wrong with the current payment method configured for this client, and as some of these payment methods charge you for failed transactions, this will avoid continuing trying to charge this invoice and getting more and more failed transactions. This can be fixed by the client changing or updating the payment method associated with the account, like changing to a different payment method, or updating the current Credit Card, etc. The client will also be able to manually try to pay the invoice.
This list will display the current auto-payment invoices that are unable to be charged by the admin, and will also display what is the cause so that the admin can know how to proceed.
In order to view the Failed Reason of each item, please enable the respective column by clicking on the gear icon located at the top-right corner of the grid and marking the Failed Reason option, as displayed on the following image:

Currently, these are the possible Failed Reasons, and what to do to fix them:
- Credit Card number is missing: You will need your client to enter a Credit Card Number in that payment method.
- Expiration Year is missing: You will need your client to enter an Expiration Year for the Credit Card Number in that payment method.
- Expiration Month is missing: You will need your client to enter an Expiration Month for the Credit Card Number in that payment method.
- Credit Card is expired: You will need your client to enter a new Credit Card Number or update the Expiration Month and Year in that payment method.
- Contains Pending Cancellation, Cancelled or Expired packages: You will need to review the invoice and decide if you need to reactivate the related packages, or remove their respective invoice entries from the invoice as you most probably should not be charging for those packages anymore.
- Contains packages having "Charge CC Automatically" disabled: This setting can be configured inside the respective package, under its Billing tab. By default, this setting should be enabled, but clients can disable it if they prefer to manually pay the invoices for that package themselves. When this setting is disabled, it will allow you to generate the invoices without charging the Credit Card for this customer's package only.
- Contains failed transactions after the latest update of the payment method: This means that something is wrong with the current payment method configured for this client, and as some of these payment methods charge you for failed transactions, this will avoid continuing trying to charge this invoice and getting more and more failed transactions. This can be fixed by the client changing or updating the payment method associated with the account, like changing to a different payment method, or updating the current Credit Card, etc. The client will also be able to manually try to pay the invoice.
Updated on: 24/02/2023
Thank you!