How to use Paypal Subscriptions
In order to allow the creation of Paypal Subscriptions in Clientexec, please do the following:
To allow new clients to place an order from signup and use Paypal Subscriptions, go to Settings > Plugins > Payment Processors > Paypal and modify the following:
In Signup: Yes
Paypal Subscriptions Option In Signup: Use Subscriptions

Additionally, to allow manually created clients to use Paypal Subscriptions, go to the client profile and then click his Billing tab and set:
Payment Type: Paypal
Use Subscription: Yes

Go to the client profile and then click his Recurring tab, If creating a new recurring fee, set:
Billing Cycle: Do not select anything greater than 2 years. It is probably that Paypal Subscriptions do not support billing cycles greater than 2 years so please avoid them.
Duration in months: Avoid using this option if you are planing to use Paypal Subscriptions. The subscription will be unlimited until manually cancelled either by you, your client, or Paypal if lack of funds, etc.
Subscription: Subscription

If editing an existing recurring fee, you can see the following fields:
- No subscription: If you do not want the recurring fee to be taken in count to create a Paypal Subscription
- Subscription: If you want the recurring fee to try to create a Paypal Subscription when the client pays his next invoice related to the recurring fee. Please take in count the Paypal Subscription will be only created if the client pays the invoice on time. If the invoice is overdue and the client pays it, there will be no Paypal Subscription created to avoid having a Paypal Subscription sending overdue payments. If that is the case, then the next invoice generated will try to create the Paypal Subscription. This will continue this way until the client finally pays on time, and then the Paypal Subscription will continue taking care of the rest of the payments, until the Paypal Subscription gets cancelled. In the client Recurring tab grid you can identify the ones using this value with a next to them. The legend bellow the grid says: Next invoice will create a subscription with the third party billing processor. Also, please note that an invoice can have invoice entries related to recurring fees with different billing cycles, so when a client is paying the invoice, the Paypal Subscription is created only for the recurring fees with the greatest billing cycle, as it will take longer to see another invoice for those recurring fees again, and the other recurring fees will create other invoices sooner that will allow to create other Paypal Subscriptions for them.

Subscription ID: The id of the Paypal Subscription. This is returned by Paypal when sends notifications about the transactions of the Paypal Subscription. It is automatically filled when the recurring fee successfully creates a Paypal Subscription. This field will be displayed only if the recurring fee is already in use by a Paypal Subscription. In the client Recurring tab grid you can identify the ones that already have a Paypal Subscription with a next to them. The legend bellow the grid says: Subscription is active.

To allow new clients to place an order from signup and use Paypal Subscriptions, go to Settings > Plugins > Payment Processors > Paypal and modify the following:
In Signup: Yes
Paypal Subscriptions Option In Signup: Use Subscriptions

Additionally, to allow manually created clients to use Paypal Subscriptions, go to the client profile and then click his Billing tab and set:
Payment Type: Paypal
Use Subscription: Yes

Go to the client profile and then click his Recurring tab, If creating a new recurring fee, set:
Billing Cycle: Do not select anything greater than 2 years. It is probably that Paypal Subscriptions do not support billing cycles greater than 2 years so please avoid them.
Duration in months: Avoid using this option if you are planing to use Paypal Subscriptions. The subscription will be unlimited until manually cancelled either by you, your client, or Paypal if lack of funds, etc.
Subscription: Subscription

If editing an existing recurring fee, you can see the following fields:
- No subscription: If you do not want the recurring fee to be taken in count to create a Paypal Subscription
- Subscription: If you want the recurring fee to try to create a Paypal Subscription when the client pays his next invoice related to the recurring fee. Please take in count the Paypal Subscription will be only created if the client pays the invoice on time. If the invoice is overdue and the client pays it, there will be no Paypal Subscription created to avoid having a Paypal Subscription sending overdue payments. If that is the case, then the next invoice generated will try to create the Paypal Subscription. This will continue this way until the client finally pays on time, and then the Paypal Subscription will continue taking care of the rest of the payments, until the Paypal Subscription gets cancelled. In the client Recurring tab grid you can identify the ones using this value with a next to them. The legend bellow the grid says: Next invoice will create a subscription with the third party billing processor. Also, please note that an invoice can have invoice entries related to recurring fees with different billing cycles, so when a client is paying the invoice, the Paypal Subscription is created only for the recurring fees with the greatest billing cycle, as it will take longer to see another invoice for those recurring fees again, and the other recurring fees will create other invoices sooner that will allow to create other Paypal Subscriptions for them.

Subscription ID: The id of the Paypal Subscription. This is returned by Paypal when sends notifications about the transactions of the Paypal Subscription. It is automatically filled when the recurring fee successfully creates a Paypal Subscription. This field will be displayed only if the recurring fee is already in use by a Paypal Subscription. In the client Recurring tab grid you can identify the ones that already have a Paypal Subscription with a next to them. The legend bellow the grid says: Subscription is active.

Updated on: 24/02/2023
Thank you!