How to enable logging
Enable logging in Clientexec.PopularMigrating Clientexec to another server
This applies when you are migrating your Clientexec to a new server, but keeping the same domain name. Make a backup of your current database on the old server. Create a new blank database on the new server. Import your backed up database to the new server. Upload the Clientexec files to the new server (make sure they are the same version). Restore the old config.php Ensure SupportPipe.php has 755 permissions. Ensure you stop the cron on the old server and create a new entrSome readersFetch emails and keep a copy of each email
At this current time, the only way to keep a copy of each email AND fetch it using pop3 is to create a forward in the email account you are fetching from, to forward each email to a different folder or email account all together. The reason the forward is necessary is each email that is fetched will then be deleted after it has gone through your routing rules to create the ticket. This will prevent from multiple tickets being opened for the same emails each time the email fetcher service is ranSome readersMoving to a new domain - affects Paypal subscriptions
Moving your Clientexec to a new domain effects Paypal subscriptions.Some readersI moved my Clientexec, but it re-directs to my old installation
Clientexec still re-directing to my old location.Some readersFulltext search for 3 char words
MySQL does not index words containing 3 or less characters by default. Searching for such short words will end up with no result. Here is the solution: There is a system option named "ftminwordlen" by which you can define the minimum length of words to be indexed. You need to set value to this configuration directive in your MySQL configuration file. If you don't want to change your configuration file there is also a handy method you can run. Just start your mysql daemon with the fSome readersForce Clientexec to use the https protocol
You can force a redirect from http to https using modrewrite: Place the following in a .htaccess file: Please, note that the .htaccess should be located in the web site main folder. The .htaccess file should be placed in the folder where you need to force HTTPS. You will also need modrewrite support in apache.Some readersClientexec Log Rotation
Under full logging level, the log file size can grow very fast. Under common Linux installations the size limit for a file is 2 Gigabytes. When the log file attains that size, CE will get locked. To deal with this situation you can have the log be automatically rotated with Linux's logrotate utility. Setting this up is dead-simple. Create a file called "clientexec", located under /etc/logrotate.d/ with the following contents:Some readersBacking up Clientexec with MySQLAdministator
MySQL Administrator is a program for performing administrative operations, such as configuring your MySQL server, monitoring its status and performance, starting and stopping it, managing users and connections, performing backups, restoring backups and a number of other administrative tasks. You can perform most of those tasks using a command line interface such as that provided by mysqladmin ( or mysql ( readersBlueHost & JustHost Email Piping Fix
Find SupportPipe.php in your root installation of Clientexec. CHMOD SupportPipe.php to 755. Insert this code at the top of the file before the php opening so that the first two lines of the file are: How to Email PipeFew readersHow to Disable Live Chat
In order to disable the Live Chat plugin in Clientexec please do the following: 1. Click the gear icon at the bottom left of your admin panel: 2. Click Disable Plugin next to Live Chat: 3. Allow the page to refresh. 4. Go to Settings -> Staff / Clients -> Customer Permissions. 5. Click a group, and click Edit Permissions. 6. Click Support Permissions. 7.Few readersBacking up Clientexec with straight MySQL code
phpMyAdmin can not handle large databases so using straight MySQL code will help. Change your directory to the directory you want to dump things to: user@linux:~cd CEbackup/ Use mysqldump (man mysqldump is available): user@linux:~/CEbackupmysqldump --add-drop-table -h mysqlhostserver -u mysqlusername -p databasename (tablename tablename tablename) bzip2 -c ClientExec.bak.sql.bz2 Enter password: (enter your mysql password) user@linux~/CEbackup> ExampleFew readersBlueHost & JustHost Cronjobs Configuration
Enable the automation services you wish to utilize via Settings Plugins Automation Services Log into your cPanel, and navigate to Cron Jobs. Edit each cronjob to point to the correct PHP version and php.ini so that Ioncube will load when the cronjobs are executed. You are replacing " php -q" with " /ramdisk/php/54/bin/php54-cli -qc /home/user/publichtml/php.ini"Few readersEnd Of Life Policy
When a version is no longer being actively developed by Clientexec, it will enter a stage. While in this stage, we will not release any new features or bug fixes, unless they are critical or security fixes. If you require new features, you’ll be asked to upgrade to our latest version. Once a product has reached its date no releases or updates will be provided, regardless of the severity. Current Version SupportFew readersRestoring Clientexec using phpMyAdmin
If you have chosen to backup the data and structure of your database, please follow the instructions below. If you have not re-created the database, do so now. If your database is created, dropping the pre-existing tables, if they exist, is preferred. This will remove any data and tables in the existing database. Log into your PhpMyadmin and select your database you either just created. This database might be pre-existing if you just dropped the tables in an existing database. Click thFew readersInvoices going to SPAM Folder
Many internet providers are blocking the use of PHP Mail (SendMail). Instead of deleting the emails, they move them into the spam folders of clients. Unfortunately, this means that the client may never see their invoice. You can change your settings and configure for SMTP by going to Settings Company - Mail Configuration Doing this will resolve this issue about 99% of the time. You sFew readersRewrite rule to redirect CE URL to https://
You can use a .htaccess url rewrite to force the access via https or you could edit your login.tpl to hard code the https:// into the form action. You need to add the code mentioned below in your .htaccess fileFew readersImages not working using https
Please verify if hotlink protection is enabled. If so, you will need to allow your https:// domain access to prevent the images from being blocked.Few readers