Order Pages (Signup Settings)
To modify the Order Pages (previously known as Signup Settings), navigate to Settings > Products > Order Pages

Include Saved Percentage: By enabling this, the savings of choosing a longer billing cycle will appear during signup.
Forward to Gateway: By enabling this, the client will be forwarded to their selected payment gateway when they press the order button. If they choose a check or money order option, the package will go into pending mode and the administrator will be notified.
Send Account Welcome E-mail: This setting will handle how and when the Welcome Email is sent.
Never: The Welcome E-mail will never send unless you send it manually.
On account activation: The Welcome E-mail will be sent when you activate the product manually.
Automatically on account creation: The Welcome E-mail will be sent automatically when the package is activated automatically. Note: it applies only to accounts created during Signup.
Show Terms and Conditions: By enabling this, your Terms and Conditions you configure below will display and will require the client to agree to them before the product can be ordered.
Terms and Conditions URL: You can insert a link to your Terms and Conditions that you have uploaded on your site or elsewhere. If you insert a URL, you cannot utilize the Terms and Conditions text field below.
Terms and Conditions: You may enter your own Terms and Conditions into this field. You can use plain text or utilize HTML tags.
E-mail For New Signups: When new products are created, an email will be sent to the addresses you specify. You should enter one e-mail per line.
Prorate to Day: If you choose to prorate any of your products, this is the day of the month that you would like the bill to be paid on.
Include Following Payment: Here, you can customize the client's payment options, such as them being able to pay the next prorate amount if the prorate is 10 days or less away or you can use other features, such as Always accepting the following payment.
Send Invoice Immediately: By enabling this, Clientexec will send the Invoice Email immediately when a client is purchasing a new product, regardless of the payment method they selected. It will also send whether the client pays the invoice immediately or not.
Prompt for domain username and password: Enable this if you would like the client to enter their preferred username and password details for their domain and product. If you select no, Clientexec will automatically generate a username and password for the domain and product.
Request Access Code: By enabling this, ReCaptcha will be utilized when one submits a new order or ticket on the public portal.
Accept Coupons: By enabling this, you are allowing coupons to be utilized. By disabling this, the coupon system will not work, regardless of preexisting coupons.
Signup Completion URL: Upon ordering of the product, it will take the client to the URL you specify here.
Cancel Order URL: By entering a URL here, if a user cancels their order, it will take them to this URL you specify.
Allow Registration: By enabling this, users can register in the login area. By disabling this, registration is disabled. This does not prevent a user from creating an account when ordering a product.
Hide Setup Fees: By enabling this, the setup fees will be hidden when ordering a product.
Hide Payment Methods: By enabling this, Choose Your Payment Method section will be hidden when placing a free order (Total Amount 0).

Include Saved Percentage: By enabling this, the savings of choosing a longer billing cycle will appear during signup.
Forward to Gateway: By enabling this, the client will be forwarded to their selected payment gateway when they press the order button. If they choose a check or money order option, the package will go into pending mode and the administrator will be notified.
Send Account Welcome E-mail: This setting will handle how and when the Welcome Email is sent.
Never: The Welcome E-mail will never send unless you send it manually.
On account activation: The Welcome E-mail will be sent when you activate the product manually.
Automatically on account creation: The Welcome E-mail will be sent automatically when the package is activated automatically. Note: it applies only to accounts created during Signup.
Show Terms and Conditions: By enabling this, your Terms and Conditions you configure below will display and will require the client to agree to them before the product can be ordered.
Terms and Conditions URL: You can insert a link to your Terms and Conditions that you have uploaded on your site or elsewhere. If you insert a URL, you cannot utilize the Terms and Conditions text field below.
Terms and Conditions: You may enter your own Terms and Conditions into this field. You can use plain text or utilize HTML tags.
E-mail For New Signups: When new products are created, an email will be sent to the addresses you specify. You should enter one e-mail per line.
Prorate to Day: If you choose to prorate any of your products, this is the day of the month that you would like the bill to be paid on.
Include Following Payment: Here, you can customize the client's payment options, such as them being able to pay the next prorate amount if the prorate is 10 days or less away or you can use other features, such as Always accepting the following payment.
Send Invoice Immediately: By enabling this, Clientexec will send the Invoice Email immediately when a client is purchasing a new product, regardless of the payment method they selected. It will also send whether the client pays the invoice immediately or not.
Prompt for domain username and password: Enable this if you would like the client to enter their preferred username and password details for their domain and product. If you select no, Clientexec will automatically generate a username and password for the domain and product.
Request Access Code: By enabling this, ReCaptcha will be utilized when one submits a new order or ticket on the public portal.
Accept Coupons: By enabling this, you are allowing coupons to be utilized. By disabling this, the coupon system will not work, regardless of preexisting coupons.
Signup Completion URL: Upon ordering of the product, it will take the client to the URL you specify here.
Cancel Order URL: By entering a URL here, if a user cancels their order, it will take them to this URL you specify.
Allow Registration: By enabling this, users can register in the login area. By disabling this, registration is disabled. This does not prevent a user from creating an account when ordering a product.
Hide Setup Fees: By enabling this, the setup fees will be hidden when ordering a product.
Hide Payment Methods: By enabling this, Choose Your Payment Method section will be hidden when placing a free order (Total Amount 0).
Updated on: 27/02/2023
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