Articles on: Setup & Configuration

Billing Email Tags

You can edit your Welcome email templates at Settings > Company > Email Templates > Billing Emails.

You can use the following tags when creating or editing your billing emails:

Tag Description
[COMPANYNAME]Company name.
[COMPANYADDRESS]Company address.
[DATE]Date payment is due.
[SENTDATE]Date invoice was sent.
[INVOICEDATE]Date invoice was created.
[CLIENTNAME]Client's first and last name.
[CLIENTEMAIL]Client's Email.
[INVOICENUMBER]Invoice Number.
[INVOICEDESCRIPTION]Invoice Description.
[PACKAGENAME]Name of the Client's Package.
[TOTALDUE]Total Amount that was due.
[PAID]Amount that has already been paid.
[BALANCEDUE]The balance that is currently due.
[AMOUNT]Total Amount.
[SUBSCRIPTION_ID]ID number of the payment Subscription.
[COMPANYURL]URL to your web site
[BILLINGEMAIL]E-mail to Billing Dept.
[CCLASTFOUR]Last 4 Digits of Client's Credit Card.
[CCEXPDATE]Client's Credit Card expiration date.
[SUPPORTEMAIL]E-mail to support staff
[FORGOTPASSWORDURL]URL to retrieve forgotten password.
[CUSTOMPROFILE_xxxx]where xxx is custom profile field name

Updated on: 06/05/2024

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