Articles on: Setup & Configuration

Auto Suspend/Unsuspend Packages and Services

To auto suspend or unsuspend services in Clientexec (example would be to suspend services for non-payment) follow these steps:

First ensure you set up the cron job on your cPanel, Directadmin or other panel. You can find those details here.
Next, go to Settings > Plugins > Automation Services and in the dropdown select Auto Suspend / Unsuspend.

Select Yes for enabled in order to activate this feature. And go through the other options:

Field Name Description
E-mail NotificationsWhen a package requires manual suspension you will be notified at this E-mail address. If packages are suspended when this service is run, a summary E-mail will be sent to this address.
Suspend CustomerWhen enabled, all customers packages will be suspended if a recurring fee not associated with a package is overdue.
Enable UnsuspensionWhen enabled, suspended and paid packages will be unsuspended when this service is run.
Days Overdue Before SuspendingOnly suspend packages that are this many days overdue. Enter 0 here to disable package suspension
Create TicketWhen a package is suspended, automatically create a ticket under the user's account and notify him.
Ticket Assign ToIf Create Ticket is set to YES, select here to whom you want the ticket to be assigned.

Next select when you want this specific Automation setting to run. For example, to have the Auto Suspend / Unsuspend run daily at 10 PM,
under Run schedule - Hour change the '*' to 22 and leave all the other inputs as '*'.

Click Update Settings.

Updated on: 04/04/2023

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