Articles on: Troubleshooting

Installing ionCube Loader

Clientexec is encrypted using ionCube Loader in order to protect the source code. Most web hosting providers compile ionCube support into the PHP build by default.

If you do not have root access and your server does not have ionCube Loader already loaded, try contacting your web hosting provider for assistance. To check if you have ionCube Loader, create a phpinfo page using the following code:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

(create a file called phpinfo.php, paste the above code into the file, upload to your server and load the php page)

In the event that you need to install ionCube on your server you can follow these instructions:

cPanel & WHM instructions

To install via WHM:

Log in to your WHM Panel.
Go to the software and click on the Easy Apache.
At the currently installed package, click on the customize button.
Select your PHP version for which you need to install Ioncube.
Select Ioncube version that is compatible with your PHP version and click Next.
Review the package that needs to be install. Here, we have selected Ioncube, and it is going to be install.
Click on the provision button.

Other Servers

To install ionCube Loader on other servers:

Download the latest ionCube Loader here.
Extract the contents of the archived file onto your computer.
Upload the IONCUBE folder via FTP to your domain.
Establish an SSH connection with the server using a client such as PuTTY. Usually, this requires you to run the following command and supply your password:


Browse to the folder that contains the IONCUBE directory.
Move the folder to a permanent location:

mv ioncube /usr/local

Locate your php.ini file (usually it is located at /usr/local/lib/php.ini.):

locate php.ini

Edit the file using your preferred editor.
Find the other Zend extensions (zend_extension).
Add a new line for ionCube Loader (replacing the x with your version of PHP):

zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/

Save the changes.
Restart the server.

Updated on: 24/06/2023

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