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Detailed descriptions of some Income Reports and Billing Filters

"Predicted Income Report"

Is based on the active recurring fees with next due date on the respective month, and also already generated invoices with due date on the respective month. So it is calculating the amount over the items you have already invoiced, as well as the items that will be invoiced in the future for the respective month.

This one is to know how much you will be billing in the respective months.

"Monthly Income Report"

Is based on the active customers with active packages and addons with recurring fees. It calculates an average by month of the amount you should be getting from the products you have sold. This do not means you are getting that amount on the month. For example, if you have some packages that are yearly paid, then their prices are divided by 12 to calculate how much they are giving for a month, but you will not see those payments until one year.

This one is to know the average amount of money you will be earning per month.

"Income Growth Report"

Is only calculated over the invoices that have been already paid and that were paid on the respective month (not necessarily the due month)
This one is to know how much money you have got paid in the respective months.

"Overdue Invoices (Billing Filter)"

Are the invoices that are already generated and not yet paid, but the due date is in the past, so those are invoice that should have been paid, but the customer has delayed the payment (can be even invoices due on the previous months and years)
This one is to know the invoices that needs attention as the customers have not paid on time.

"Unpaid Invoices (Billing Filter)"

Are the invoices that are already generated and not yet paid, no matter the due date (can be even invoices due on the previous months and years, or even on the upcoming months or years)
This one is to know the invoices that are not paid yet.

Updated on: 24/02/2023

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