Articles on: Invoicing & Payments

How to Set a Recurring Fee to Create a New Paypal Subscription When Previous Subscription Cancelled

When a Paypal Subscription is canceled, the recurring fees related to that subscription are set to not create more Paypal Subscriptions anymore, to avoid making another Paypal Subscription repeatedly when the client does not want that Paypal Subscription.

If the client decides they want to start a new paypal subscription after this you will need to do the following:

Go to the Clients Profile in the Clientexec Admin area.
Select the 'Billing' tab.
Then set 'Use Subscription' to 'No'.
Press the "Save Changes" button
Then go back and set 'Use Subscription' to 'Yes'.
And again press the 'Save Changes' button.

This will reset those recurring fees to create new Paypal Susbcriptions with future payments, as long as the client pays the next invoice before it gets overdue.


- When you set 'Use Subscription' to 'No', the recurring fees that were set to create a new Paypal Subscription (appear having * next to them) are then set to not create future Paypal Subscriptions (appear having nothing next to them)

- When you set 'Use Subscription' to 'Yes', the recurring fees that were set to not create future Paypal Subscriptions (appear having nothing next to them) are then set to create a new Paypal Subscription (appear having * next to them)

- Once the recurring fee with * creates a new Paypal Subscription, they appear having ** next to them, and also show the subscription id.

Updated on: 05/08/2024

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