Free Domains
You are now able to offer free domains with select products when purchased with select payment terms, for example when purchasing web hosting for a year.
All you need to do is:
Create a product group of type Domains.

Under that domain product group, create a Domain product and configure their pricing.

Create a product group of type Hosting.

Under that hosting product group, create a Hosting product.
Configure the hosting product and in the General tab search for Include Additional Bundled Products, check Domain products? and select the domain product group to be bundled. Save the changes.

Configure the hosting product and in the Pricing tab search for the column Free Domain?. Under it you will be able to select the desired option for each billing cycle of the hosting product.

- Select None for the bundled domain to not be free when that billing cycle is selected for the hosting product.
- Select One-Time for the domain to be free only the first billing period of the domain when that billing cycle is selected for the hosting product.
- Select Recurring for the domain to be free on every billing period of the domain when that billing cycle is selected for the hosting product.
Search for the Free Domain Options under the respective billing cycle of the hosting product and configure them. Save the changes.

- Search for TLD and select the domain products (TLDs) to be free
- Search for Domain Billing Cycle and select the billing cycles for the domain that will allow it to be free.
Now, when a customer is placing a new order and selects the hosting product group and the respective hosting product you configured before, it will also offers the domain products (TLDs) that are under the domain product group that you bundled with.
Additionally, if the client selected an appropriate billing cycle which allows free domains, and a TLD that was configured to be free, the price of the domain will be free. Please note: This only works for Domain Registration.

Finally, if the Free Domain was configured as One-Time, the domain will be charged $0.00 for the first billing cycle (first invoice), and then will charge the configured domain renewal pricing for any future invoices. If the Free Domain was configured as Recurring, then the domain will be charged $0.00 for all the billing cycles (all invoices).
All you need to do is:
Create a product group of type Domains.

Under that domain product group, create a Domain product and configure their pricing.

Create a product group of type Hosting.

Under that hosting product group, create a Hosting product.
Configure the hosting product and in the General tab search for Include Additional Bundled Products, check Domain products? and select the domain product group to be bundled. Save the changes.

Configure the hosting product and in the Pricing tab search for the column Free Domain?. Under it you will be able to select the desired option for each billing cycle of the hosting product.

- Select None for the bundled domain to not be free when that billing cycle is selected for the hosting product.
- Select One-Time for the domain to be free only the first billing period of the domain when that billing cycle is selected for the hosting product.
- Select Recurring for the domain to be free on every billing period of the domain when that billing cycle is selected for the hosting product.
Search for the Free Domain Options under the respective billing cycle of the hosting product and configure them. Save the changes.

- Search for TLD and select the domain products (TLDs) to be free
- Search for Domain Billing Cycle and select the billing cycles for the domain that will allow it to be free.
Now, when a customer is placing a new order and selects the hosting product group and the respective hosting product you configured before, it will also offers the domain products (TLDs) that are under the domain product group that you bundled with.
Additionally, if the client selected an appropriate billing cycle which allows free domains, and a TLD that was configured to be free, the price of the domain will be free. Please note: This only works for Domain Registration.

Finally, if the Free Domain was configured as One-Time, the domain will be charged $0.00 for the first billing cycle (first invoice), and then will charge the configured domain renewal pricing for any future invoices. If the Free Domain was configured as Recurring, then the domain will be charged $0.00 for all the billing cycles (all invoices).
Updated on: 25/02/2023
Thank you!