Articles on: Invoicing & Payments

Recalculate Next Due Dates Related To Packages

This setting can be found under Settings > Billing > General Billing > Recalculate Next Due Dates Related To Packages

Keep in mind that a package can have many recurring fees related to it, such as:

- Recurring fee of the package
- Recurring fees of addons related to the package
- Recurring fee of a coupon related to the package
- Recurring fees of manually created recurring fees that were set to apply to the package

When enabling this setting, and if an overdue invoice changes its status to paid, and any of its invoice entries apply to a package that is either: pending, suspended or canceled; it will recalculate the next due date for that package and their related recurring fees, based on the date the invoice was paid.

This will work as follows:

- If a recurring fee is referenced in an invoice entry, the next due date will be updated to be one billing cycle ahead of the date the invoice was paid. **(Next Due Date = Invoice Paid Date + 1 Billing Cycle)**
- If a recurring fee is not referenced in an invoice entry and the next due date is older than the date the invoice was paid, the next due date will be updated to be the date the invoice was paid, so that it can generate the invoice to charge those missing charges. **(Next Due Date = Invoice Paid Date)**

By default, new installations of Clientexec have this setting enabled by default, while upgrades of Clientexec will have this setting be disabled by default. To change this, admins must manually enable this setting, to avoid causing any unwanted issues with existing invoice and billing settings.

This new setting avoids charging customers for the time not used on their packages.
It is recommended to have enabled, in an effort to allow fair billing charges applied to customer invoices
Some examples of how this new setting works:

- When a customer places a new order but does not pay
- If disabled, time starts counting since the date the order was placed.
- If enabled, the day the invoice gets paid, CE will correct the date to that day.
- Example: if a customer pays 15 days after the order date, the billing term will automatically get updated to start on that date and correct the date for the next billing cycle based on the date paid, and not based on the date originally ordered.
- When someone has a suspended or canceled package and later pays an invoice to reactivate the package.
- If disabled, next due date will continue as it was, and could end up generating old invoices for inactive pay periods.
- If enabled, the date will automatically be corrected to avoid generating old invoices for inactive pay periods.
- Example: a package was suspended 3 months ago, and the package was paid monthly. When your customer pays the outstanding/pending invoice to reactivate the package the system will automatically correct the billing term restarting a package from the paid date and will discard any "unpaid" invoices during the inactive term in addition to synching the new billing cycle to coincide with the new paid date moving forward.

Updated on: 24/02/2023

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