AutoLogin From Your Third-Party Code
Auto Login allows you to automatically login a user from your own third-party code.
Enabling Auto Login functionality is a two step process:
Generate an Application Key at Settings > Security > Application Key.
Enable Auto Login at Settings > Company > General > Enable Auto Login
Using Auto Login is very simple. You simply need to create a special URL that contains the users email address, timestamp when the request was created, and generate a unique hash. You can also specify a goto parameter to redirect the user to after the auto login is successful. Please note, that after 15 minutes, the link will be expired, and a new hash must be created.
Enabling Auto Login
Enabling Auto Login functionality is a two step process:
Generate an Application Key at Settings > Security > Application Key.
Enable Auto Login at Settings > Company > General > Enable Auto Login
Using Auto Login
Using Auto Login is very simple. You simply need to create a special URL that contains the users email address, timestamp when the request was created, and generate a unique hash. You can also specify a goto parameter to redirect the user to after the auto login is successful. Please note, that after 15 minutes, the link will be expired, and a new hash must be created.
Sample Code
// URL to Clientexec
$ceURL = "";
// SHA1 hash of your Application Key
$key = sha1('A3973FE4-FA52-FB04ACA2063B');
// URL to send the user to, after Auto Login is successful.
$goto = urlencode('index.php?fuse=support&controller=ticket&view=submitticket');
// Current Time
$timestamp = time();
// Email of the User
$email = "";
// Unqiue Hash to send to AutoLogin
$hash = sha1($key . $email . $timestamp);
// Full URL for AutoLogin
$url = "{$ceURL}&email={$email}×tamp={$timestamp}&hash={$hash}&goto={$goto}";
header("Location: $url");
Updated on: 02/03/2023
Thank you!